Articles & Essays

Debra in the News

Healthyish, “I Hired a Cooking Therapist to Deal with My Anxiety” (Read the article)

rē·spin,   “Cooking Up Better Mental Well-Being” (Read the article)

Selected Writing

CoveyClub, “Can You Cook Yourself Happy?” (Read the article)

Eat, Darling, Eat, “Magical Thinking” (Read the article)

Rural Messenger, “Is Cooking Therapy the New Prozac?” (Read the article)

New York Times, “In the Gym to Banish Ho-Hum With Gung-Ho” (Read the article)

Women’s Health Magazine, “Get Your Dream Job” (Read the article)

Lisa Romeo Writes, “Guest Blogger Debra Borden on Switching from Fiction to Fact” (Read the article)

Bergen County Magazine, “Unnatural Habitat” (jump to page 58)

Jewish Standard, “A Conversation with Debra Borden” (Read the article)

Lisa Romeo Writes, Thinking, Writing, and Being a Little Bit Happy” (Read the article)

Bergen Health and Life, “Going Under”

Bergen Health and Life, “The Power of Intuition” (Read the article)

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